Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University


Procedure for Earning a Doctoral Degree

Dissertation Review for Doctoral Degree Program Students

If the student is found qualified to be examined for a doctoral degree mainly based on the content of the dissertation draft submitted for a preliminary review (or on the content of the research results presented at a research results presentation), the doctoral degree examination shall be conducted as follows:

1. Submission of dissertation and other required documents

(1) When you request a dissertation review, you must submit the documents listed below to the Dean of the Graduate School of Engineering via the Student Affairs Section.

I. Dissertation Review Request
(Attachment: Form 1)

1 copy
[WORD] [PDF] [Sample(PDF)]
II. Dissertation Bibliography
(Attachment: Form 2)
( Number of thesis examiners + 1 ) copies
[WORD] [PDF] [Sample(PDF)]

III. Dissertaion

Electronic Version ( PDF / A format ) : There is no need to submit a CD-R when submitting data. Please use BEEF instead. The Student Affairs Section of the Graduate School of Engineering will provide further instructions in due course.
Book Form Version : ( Number of thesis examiners ) copies
(Softbound type can be accepted)

Dissertation Preparation Guidelines 【2023.12.05 update】
IV. Dissertation Abstract
(Attachment: Form 3)
( Number of thesis examiners + 1 ) copies
V. Curriculum Vitae
(Attachment: Form 4)
1 original and
( Number of thesis examiners + 1 ) copies
[WORD] [PDF] [Sample(PDF)]
VI. Supplementary information on research achievements 1 copy
For a co-authored paper where the applicant is not the first author, the applicant’s contribution to the paper should be briefly explained in the designated section of the appendix “Supplementary information on research achievements”, following the provided example. Since there is only a sample written in Japanese, please ask your academic advisor how to write it.
VII. Graduate Information Form 1 copy
VIII. Post-graduation Information Form 1 copy
[EXCEL]  [PDF] [Request Letter]
IX. Diploma Application Form 1 copy
X. Delegation of Authority for Online Publication of Doctoral
  Dissertation (Attachment Form 1)  1 copy [HTML]

  (In case of applying for deferment of online publication or
  exemption from online publication, it is also required to
  submit a designated application form for these procedure.
  Fore more information, please  click here.)
XI. Other reference research papers
(Number of thesis examiners + 1) copies
You may submit a reference research paper which is complementary with the doctoral dissertation and indivisible to have your dissertation reviewed. (It is preferable to have your doctoral dissertation reviewed without such paper.)You may submit a reference research paper which is complementary with the doctoral dissertation and indivisible to have your dissertation reviewed. (It is preferable to have your doctoral dissertation reviewed without such paper.)
See the notes provided under “Reference Research Papers” in the Dissertation Bibliography sample. [Sample]
(2) Dissertation submission period
See the Dissertation Review Schedule. (top page)


2.Dissertation Preparation Guidelines

Prepare your dissertation after carefully reading the “Dissertation Preparation Guidelines” to ensure that you follow the rules.


3. Dissertation Review

The dissertation review is conducted by the Review Committee, which shall comprise three or more professors or associate professors from the graduate school, including at least two professors. One of the committee members shall serve as chief examiner and the others as assistant examiners. To be more specific, the committee shall comprise an academic supervisor, one or more professors from an academic field closely related to that of an applicant (from the same department as that of the chief examiner) and one or more professors from another field (from a department or division different from that of the chief examiner). When needed, the committee may have one or more additional examiners who are qualified to provide research guidance to students in the doctoral degree program and who specialize in an academic field closely related to that of the applicant.


4. Final Exam

The Review Committee will give a written or oral final exam mainly on the dissertation and related subjects. The committee will notify you of the exam subjects, date and other details.


5. Dissertation Presentation

The Review Committee will hold a Dissertation Presentation.


6. Decision on Degree Conferral and Finalization of the Title of Degree to be Stated on Diploma

A meeting of the Faculty Council will be held to determine whether or not the degree is to be conferred and to finalize the title of degree to be stated on the diploma, based on the dissertation review and final exam results reported by the Review Committee.


7. Publication of Doctoral Dissertations

Due to an amendment of the regulations for dissertation publication in April, 2013, all Doctoral conferees must now make the entire text of their dissertations publically available online within one year from the date of conferment. The new rule has designated the Kobe University Repository Kernel as its preferred online publication medium.
For those who were conferred a doctoral degree before April 2013, it is also available to publish your doctoral dissertation online through the Kobe University Repository Kernel on request.
(Kobe University Repository)