Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University



Message - Vision of the Graduate School and Faculty of Engineering

Graduate School
of Engineering
KOIKE Atsushi


The Faculty of Engineering consists of six departments: Architecture, Civil Engineering, Electric and Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Science and Engineering, and Computer Science and Systems Engineering. The Graduate School of Engineering consists of the first five departments, excluding Computer Science and Engineering. We offer a wide variety of education and research, ranging from fundamental science and liberal arts to innovative engineering, with the aim of fostering human resources who can play leading roles in the realization of a sustainable, safe, and secure society.

At present, about 300 overseas students study in either the Graduate School or the Faculty of Engineering at Kobe University. Fostering globally oriented human resources is one of the key missions of Kobe University and we place great importance on internationalization in all Engineering disciplines.The Faculty and Graduate School offer an excellent research and educational environment and heartily welcome students from all over the world, especially those who wish to take on the challenge of exploring new corridors and fields in engineering, who share our visionBy collaborating with these research centers, the Graduate School and Faculty not only provide cutting-edge research facilities and training for students, but also equip students with a bird’s-eye perspective of their fields. Through our research and educational programs, students are able to acquire the necessary skills to become active engineers and researchers, including problem-solving abilities, creativity, design-focused thinking, and communication and presentation skills.The Graduate School of Engineering has seven interdisciplinary research centers.


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